Some people’s kids are so dang adorable you just want to eat them up. Take Kai, for instance. Although this little guy fell asleep on the way to the photo session (check out the eyelashes!), he woke up happy and smiley and ready to run…and did he ever run. And RUN! He sure keeps his […]
Monthly Archives: September 2014
In April, I had the privilege of meeting one of my photography heroes, the amazingly talented Jamie Delaine of Jamie Delaine Photography, at the Canada Photo Convention. So imagine my surprise (and delight!) when, a few months later, I got a message from Jamie with a lead for a very special wedding–her brother’s! Of course, my […]
Their moms had a hand in setting them up. Little did they know that just a few short years later, their matchmaking would result in a wedding! And so it was, on a perfect summer day–in Carmen’s family backyard–Carmen and Colter stood before God, friends, and family and pledged their love for one another. Carmen’s […]
They met at the Starbucks where he worked. She worked at a nearby clothing store at the time, and took notice of the handsome guy behind the counter. Lucas knew there was something special about this lovely woman. Whenever Laura came in, he always made sure to take her order, make her drink, and serve […]
My friend Krista is an inspiration. I love her for so many reasons, not the least of which because she – first as a mom-to-be, then as a new mom – consistently and graciously allowed me to “practice” my photography skills on her (and her infant son). I appreciate her because she has a heart […]